In light of the news that DC has cancelled the Legion of Super-Heroes (again), I thought it only fair to make today's installment about one of my favorite teams. The LSH in the 70s was in my opinion, awesome. The Bates/Levitz Legion will always be one of my favorite super teams. Remember those tabloid sized books DC published in the 70s, well I don't remember how much it cost but I do recall it was several weeks allowance. And it was worth it. So when I found a comic shop offering old Superboys for $1, I couldn't resist.
Issue 201 features the return of Wildfire who at this time was still called Erg. This book has everything. It's a reminder of why the 70s were such a great time in comics, you still had some residual insanity of the 50s and 60s while also having some of the seriousness of the 80s and 90s. It was as some hack once wrote, the best of times and the worst of times.
We begin with three would-be Legionaires getting ready for their tryouts. But a strange blob of energy is also approaching Legion Headquarters. By the way look at that title. I miss hand lettering.
I love the subs. In fact I love the subs so much I'm going to soon feature one of their greatest moments.
Anyway, before they can demonstrate their powers Superboy needs to scare the crap out of them by explaining that they're going to die.
Oh no what will happen when Erg uses his energy-generating power?
That's when we learn that the blob of energy is really Wildfire Erg. If only we knew what really happened on Manna-5. Oh wait..
Arghhh! A forcefield is keeping Wildfire Erg from his containment suit. Meanwhile Star Boy can't even be bothered to learn the applicants names.
Yep. Porcupine Pete is as Superboy so gently put it, rejected. Elsewhere Wildfire Erg demonstrates the never to be seen again power to control people's minds. Or not. Back at the tryouts Star Boy is well being Star Boy and is trying get up close and personal with Infectious Lass.
Dude, her name is Infectious Lass. There aren't enough condoms in the 30th Century. Can anyone guess Superboy's reaction to Infectious Lass giving Star Boy the stomach flu? Yep. REJECTED! Wildfire Erg has figured out why his newly made up mind control power isn't working. Flight rings. Yeah don't think about it too hard.
Molecular Master isn't rejected. That's when Wildfire Erg realizes he doesn't have a flight ring yet, but when he tries to control his mind he discovers Molecular Master's secret. He's an android. Luckily Wildfire Erg can analyze computer data. Molecular Master is after the Miracle Machine. Man they should not leave that thing lying around.
Molecular Master releases his super toxic gas and soon the Legionnaires are down for the count.
Molecular Master thinks he's won only to be confronted by Wildfire Erg. Who absorbs Molecular Master's energy and smashes him.
Then Wildfire Erg explains how he used the Miracle Machine to remove the force field surrounding his containment suit. He then uses the Miracle Machine to revive the Legionnaires who are shocked to see Wildfire Erg back from the dead. Also watch the Super Friends.
So what we have here is an incredibly fun story. Wildfire was extremely popular in the 70s. He was by far the most popular Legionnaire. He was written as a Legion powerhouse, easily the equal of Superboy, Mon-El, or Ultra Boy. He was DC's Vision because after the 70s his popularity declined and kept declining.
If that story wasn't enough there's a backup story.
Dream Girl and Karate Kid are about to get mugged. I wonder how this will end.
Yep. Karate chop and foot to the face.
But Dream Girl is worried that she's not equal to the other Legionnaires. But that night....
She rushes to Karate Kid who is on monitor duty. You would think Brainiac 5 could invent a super computer to help the Legionnaires out with things like monitor duty. What could go wrong?
Despite the fact that Dream Girl has precognitive powers Karate Kid can't believe he's going to die. So using his Karate mind he decides to check other Legionnaires on the monitor.
Oh no Lightening Lad and Phantom Girl are trapped in a storm, this could easily kill one of them.
Psyche! But just then.
Yep it turns out the mugger had actually stabbed KK with a laser knife but being a master of martial arts KK simply ignored the pain. I don't think super concentration works that way but hey it made Dream Girl see just how important she was.
God I love this stuff. It's insane but it's a fairly good story and it's fun.
BONUS: Dangerous Toys of the 1970s Volume 1. I had one of these and let me tell you when the control line hit my brother hilarity ensued.
BONUS 2: Do you want super concentration that allows you to ignore laser knife wounds? Then study KARATE.

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