Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Marvel Spotlight #9 The Mystery of Mister E (No Not That Mister E)

Marvel Spotlight #9
Original Price .50
Today's Price .50
Written by Bill Mantlo
Drawn by Steve Ditko

Marvel Spotlight was one the "lesser" Marvel titles having a short run in the 70s and again in the 80s.  It featured heroes who may or may not eventually earn their own series.  The first series featured such characters as Ghost Rider, Spider-Woman, and Moon Knight.  The second series featured Captain Marvel, Star-Lord, and Captain Universe.  So guess which one was better.

Captain Universe was throughout the 80s sort of an odd ball.  First appearing in the Micronauts he appeared here and there with seemingly little rhyme or reason.  Here Bill Mantlo and Steve Ditko get a turn with the hero who could be you.

So we begin with traditional Ditkoesque splash page.

We then get Ray Coffin mowing the lawn and telling his son Steve about what it was like to visit the Microverse and use the powers of Captain Universe.  Steve wanting to humor his obviously insane father, goes along with the gag. "Trust me son, I went into a microscopic universe where I was a superhero."  "Sure Dad."  Ray's lies become too much for his heart to bear and he collapses but luckily lassie is there.

At the hospital Dad blames his heart attack on the unipower and not the pound of bacon he eats every morning.  Meanwhile Steve notices something strange, like it's pitch black in the hospital hallway.

Oh no shadow creatures attack Steve's dad.  He does his best to fight them but it looks like he's done for when...

Suddenly given the awesome power of Captain Universe does what anyone would.  He turns a lamp into nunchaku so he can fight the shadow monsters karate style.

Unfortunately, Captain Universe's karate skills leave something to be desired and Steve is on the verge of being overpowered when he comes up with a solution.  Runaway?  Nope.  Create a skateboard.

Steve, battles some more shadow creatures and meets the big bad, Mister E.  Who as big bads do, explains his plan.

Steve's grasp of elementary school science is impressive.  If the sun goes away it will be bad for Earth.

As their ship hurtles toward the sun, Steve battles Mister E by creating a lightsaber which he calls a lightsaber.  I guess Lucas's lawyers were more easy going back then.

Confronted with Mister E's awesome power Steve imagines a world where his dog Muffin is a shadow slave.  Oh the humanity!

Then Steve realizes the fatal flaw in Mister E's plan.  The guy going straight toward the sun, he hates sunlight.

Steve returns to the hospital only for the unipower to leave him and heal his dad.

And that's that.  Not a great story by any means but not terrible.  Definitely written to appeal to younger readers with its lightsabers and skateboards, which fits with the hero that could be you theme of Captain Universe.


CBS Saturday Morning.  I had totally forgotten about Drak Pack.

Extra Bonus 100 Toy Soldier Pack

Tran Am Muscle.  There was a time when a black Trans Am was every kids dream car.

Next time: You say you want a revolution...

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